Sunday, 10 July 2011

Trying to solve parking problems

I've been out this morning with the charming Gill from Liverpool Cricket Club trying to solve some parking problems in our area.

The cricket club plays host to car boot sales on a Sunday.  It has a free car park for visitors to the sales.  However these Sundays are also marked by quite a lot of indiscriminate parking in some of the residential streets near the club and quite a few complaints from residents who can't get into and out of their own drive.

It's not an easy one to solve but we thought we'd do some work to draw visitors' attention to the free car par and try to persuade them to park in a way that doesn't cause problems for residents.

We jointly wrote a leaflet which this morning Gill and I put under windscreen wipers as we walked round the neighbouring streets.  We chatted to some people and it was clear that some didn't even know there was a car park they could be using (this might be an issue around signage and publicity).

Obviously if people are parking in an illegal way then more forceful action needs to be taken but we decided to use persuasion at first.

We're hoping to do a repeat performance in a couple of weeks time so it'll be interesting to see if there are fewer cars.

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