Here's part of the objection I have sent in to the plans by Jack Allen Holdings to build a waste plant at Garston Dock (and right by people's houses). I may well send in a supplementary too. If you are writing in and don't want to use a template letter, please make sure you say that you want to be informed of the date, time and venue of any relevant Planning Committee meeting
Objection from Cllr Paula Keaveney to planning application 09F/1012 (from Jack Allen Holdings)
Dear Ms Robinson
I should like to formally object to the application to build a waste facility at Garston Dock. I am doing this both as a ward councillor (Cressington Ward) and as a resident of Garston.
My reasons are as follows:
• Should this application be granted it will be contrary to established City Council policy. On 8th May the Executive Board took a decision on potential waste sites. This site was not one of those approved. This decision followed a lengthy process to identify suitable sites in Liverpool and the wider Merseyside area. It is worth noting that during this process this site was assessed and given a minus numbers score as regards its suitability.
• Should this application be granted it will cause major problems for other aspects of established City Council policy. The identification of Dingle Bank as housing land was made some time ago. A waste plant on this site will threaten the viability of this project and therefore contradict positions already taken.
• The site for this facility is simply not suitable. It is extremely close to existing housing and housing still being built. These residents, including those on the Cressington Heath development, will suffer noise and pollution from increased traffic movements. They will also have a loss of visual amenity as it is impossible to build such a facility without affecting the view. Furthermore odours from the process are highly likely to be present for much of the time. Given that this is by the river and therefore can be windy, these odours will spread widely.
• The road system leading to this proposed facility is simply not suitable. Already the road(s) along which delivery lorries would need to travel are congested and dangerous at times. The planning department recently approved plans for a large nursery and after school facility on one of these approach roads. There is a clear road safety issue here with lorries competing for space with parents dropping off young children. Furthermore Liverpool John Lennon airport has made it clear that it wishes to expand, again generating extra traffic. This extra traffic from the waste site is a potential recipe for disaster.
• The City Council has, with partners, been working for some time on the regeneration of Garston. There has been some progress, but it is acknowledged that this process takes time and persistence. This development has the potential to stop regeneration in its tracks. House builders will not want to build in the area. The small businesses that rely on increased residential properties will not be able to sustain themselves. (I base this on conversations with developers)
• The proposed development would have a major impact on a significant wildlife area (RAMSAR)
• Finally given that other sites in Liverpool and Merseyside have been identified as suitable for waste development, the applicants seem unreasonable in persisting with this one in the teeth of the evidence.
Please inform me of the date of the relevant planning committee (should the application get that far). I would like to attend and speak.
Cllr Paula Keaveney
Cressington Ward
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