Friday, 25 July 2014

Booker Avenue planning = new shop unit?

I blogged earlier about the planning application for a shop unit, plus a  couple of houses, and some parking at the junction of Booker Avenue and Greenhill Road. (We now know that the intention is for the shop to be one of the Co op local stores) The deadline for comments passed yesterday.  When I have a date for planning committee, or any other info, I'll blog again.  Meanwhile, here are the comments I sent in.

Comments on planning application  14F/1140
Booker Avenue.

 I am a former City Councillor for this area and so know the issues at this location well.  In addition I have been recently contacted by residents about this.

This plot of land has been a blight on the area for some time with a general failure by landowner to keep it clean and by the council to ensure cleansing around the perimeter.  It is good news  that there are proposals to stop this being the local potential dumping ground.

However, this location is at a junction which already has problems which could be exacerbated by this development.  These are mainly traffic related and are around parking, road safety and the difficulties of negotiating the junction at times.

Already selfish parking linked to use of existing retail is a major problem, with narrow roads being dangerous to turn out of and pavement and driveways blocked.  Should this development go ahead, the developer should fund H markings outside those properties most likely to be affected and the council should look at measures at junctions with nearby narrow roads. I am aware that the development includes parking spaces, but if staff parking needs are considered, these spaces may not be sufficient.

The junction at Greenhill Road and Booker Avenue can be difficult and potentially dangerous for drivers and pedestrians.  More traffic here can only make this worse.  Should this development go ahead, a condition should be the funding of traffic lights or other measures at the junction that will make both crossing the road and turning into and out of Greenhill Road easier.

There are complaints about litter near this junction and a condition about the provision of litter bins should be included in any planning agreement.


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