Friday, 30 May 2014

Blogging interruption - and answers

I've been having major problems logging in to blog, so apols to those who I know posted comments which were also questions.  Not sure what the techy problem is.

I was asked about the Garston Masterplan and if there is an update on this.  There is sort of.  The plan was signed off by the City Council and there is a project being started through the organisation Sustrans called Pocket Places which is about potential improvements to the pavement/shared space on St Mary's Road.  It's funded by money from the Health Lottery.  At the moment literally all that's happened is the announcement that there is the project, and there will be some meetings/consultations etc.  I am on the mailing list for this so will blog etc to let people know when things move.

Obviously there were other things in the Masterplan so what I'll be doing is as and when I get info about the various bits, I'll post stuff on here and put info in my e mails.  If you want to get regular e mails of news about the area (mainly L19 and L18) e mail me at and I will put you on the list.

I was also asked re the Co op.  I do know that there is an organisation talking to the Co op right now about using the building.  Nothing is confirmed though,  It is something we keep checking on so again as soon as I have some more useful news, will post.

Friday, 9 May 2014

Just one week to help your local library

The Council has said it will cut half the community libraries in Liverpool.

As part of a run up to the decision on which to target, there is a consultation to find out which libraries people use and how they use them.

The consultation has to happen by law but it's still important that anyone who loves their local library makes that clear.

There are forms in libraries, but you can also take part on-line.  The form doesn't ask for a name and address.  The deadline is next Friday (16th).

If you haven't already filled in a form, please do so.  The link is

Gilmour schools expansion decision

I blogged earlier about the final decision re whether or not to expand Gilmour Infants School and Gilmour Juniors.  The City Council's Cabinet is due to decide next week (16th May)

The committee papers are at this link.

The comments from various people and organisations are in one of the appendices towards the end of the appendix list.

The comments are anonymised.  I can see mine there and Cllr Richard Oglethorpe's but nothing from the other local councillors for the area.

Friday, 2 May 2014

Final decision on Gilmour infants and junior schools expansion

The City Council's due to take the final decision on the planned expansion of Gilmour Infants and Junior Schools later this month.

It's already agreed once, but under the law the proposals then have to go through a process to see if there are any objections.

So in effect these decisions have to be taken twice.

A petition about one of the expansions  has come in, so the Cabinet will take another decision at its meeting on 16 May.

The relevant paperwork for the 16th May meeting isn't available yet but the brief details are at this link.