Sunday 2 June 2013

Brightening up the art in the park

Today I joined the Friends of Garston Park to do a few repairs to the artwork around the outside of the sports pitches.

The artwork started going up more than a year ago with the final two boards, which include  poem by Mike Axworthy, being fixed on last month.

The weather's taken a bit of a toll on some of the work though so today we painted and varnished some of the boards.

I've written about the art project before but for those who don't know, the idea involved groups producing boards which showed their thoughts about Garston, Garston's history or health and wellbeing.  Merseyside Youth Association's Brendan Burton played a key role (I mention this because the acknowledgement board shows organisational logos but doesn't name check!)

Anyway, thank goodness for decent weather this morning as we needed to protect the boards and make sure they are in a good state for the Garston fun day later this month.

Now off to wash all this varnish off as I seem to have managed to transfer rather a lot of it onto my hands and clothes!

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